- Almost all classes are worthless during the 3 o'clock hour.
- I can prepare for the next day.
- My day seems to end a little earlier and with less stress.
- When I have somewhere to be, I have no problem leaving work early.
- Students actually come in and clean my room during this time. We develop bonds.
- I don't have to worry about a shortened class period during Pep Rally Days
But, tomorrow is different. Due to the fact that a few pitchers from the TEXAS RANGERS will be speaking, we're starting the pep rally at 9:30. So I'll have to deal with the fact that at least one student will not finish her test (leaves at 9:00 for band-prep; class begins at 8:45; announcements last til 8:50; 5 minutes to walk to Content Mastery and back; gives her 5 minutes to take my test). I will also have to be in charge of a class. My 1st period is a wonderful class. Thankfully, this will be the class I'll be stuck ALL DAY WITH for FOUR COMPLETE DAYS IN A ROW come TAKS time. Then I'll have to get my 2nd period class back into the classroom and settled to complete their test in a shortened time span. Really, it makes for a stressed day having a pep rally during 1st period. I'll gladly do it, all for the RANGERS!
I will try to take some pictures and hopefully post them soon!