Now, this tree looks nothing like the tree in the picture above. We have my parents old tree that they bought their first year of marriage. I think that makes the tree 35 years old. A testament to my parents' marriage, but not to the sturdiness of this tree. It is so bare. It loses more and more needles/branches each year. It leans. It must be covered by those silver "icicles" that get so annoying to pick up. It is SOOOO difficult to put up. It is, though, the only tree I've ever had.
As Michael was helping me today, I think I convinced him that we need a new tree. He discovered that there are pre-lit trees that can just fold up to be put away. They are much sturdier and do not require the silver icicles. I told him that they have made major advances in Christmas trees in the last 30 years. He thought that was funny for some reason. At least we aren't putting up an aluminum Christmas tree like my grandmother does each year. That tree has to be worth a lot these days since it is so old.
I hope that you have success as you put up your tree. Enjoy the Christmas music and the cooler weather!