1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot-- or just from blogland-- anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Ok so I need a little more on my comment missy. Ok let's see... the first time we talked that was so awkward-ha ha! Welcome week. Hanging out in the boys dorms. All the club stuff we did. You throwing an egg inside the car instead of making it outside (so funny). Having what's his name jump on your car while we were driving away. You doing a 20-point turn when we crashed the guys out in the woods and flying off the ground as you sped over the bumps. Ok I am laughing to hard and my stomach is killing me, so I'm going to stop. There is to many to write and I love all the memories we have!!!!
Oh one more... breaking into those guys house that we didn't even know to steal the gamma sig sign. Ok that was dumb and scarry. And of course all the hallway talks. Oh and staying up all night, going to classes and chapel, then sleeping till dinner. We had a horrible schedule!!!!!
It was a little tough to come up with one worth posting...
But I do remember the first time I saw you after you got your hair chopped off. I didn't recognize you at first! But once I realized who you were I totally loved the new cut. I thought, and still think, it is really cute.
Ok Brooke... you made me laugh so hard. That was such a funny night. I have to say that I cannot top that memory, but I will add to it. We watched Jurassic Park in the van... that really dates us! I have to say that I can't remember when it was, and honestly, I can't remember which guy went with who, but it didn't matter anyways since we didn't really hang out with them. Fun times! Thanks for commenting!!!
My first memory of you is meeting you at a GATA rush party! This would have been in the fall of 2000. I don't remember any more details but I do remember meeting you!
Oh goodness. Most of my memories include LOTS of laughing with you! So, here it goes...your infamous snort, driving out to rockwall during the summer to hang out, grace, meeting Brad for the first time, your "Zack Morris" cell phone (I just laughed way hard about that one!), your love of Dodge Rams, pledging, sister hazel....what a fun game! I've loved thinking about all of these memories and I love having you as a friend Brooke!
Of you wearing your watch, "the cassette". For those who don't know it was a watch with 10 different colors of bands. The color of band would match your outfit. I kinda made fun of her wearing that.
I am sure our father loves what lori said about all the crazy driving you did in the car he was paying for.
Well, first of all, don't go to my blog expecting to see this touchy/feely exercise. My blog sticks to business.
1. Picking you up at DC in a school bus.
2. All those mornings we drove in to Dallas together before sunrise. You put up with it because it gave you the Dodge Ram to play with.
3. But mainly, the constant joy of having an incredibly beautiful daughter who loves the Lord with intensity. If everything else in my life had failed, you would easily tip the scales and make it a huge success. Love you, kid.
Student Teaching...There were lots of stories...but where do you start. It sure was lonely when you went to your second assignment.
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