Two precious people have been waiting to give birth to baby girls during this month. I really thought my sister-in-law, Emily would have her baby before July 4th. I was sooo wrong.
Let's begin with Thursday. Happy Birthday to my father-in-law, David! On this day, my brother, Brett's, family came in from San Antonio. My parents will be keeping their boys while they vacation. Also, my Uncle Joe's family came into town. My parents hosted my grandmother, Aunt Sasa and Uncle Ralph, Uncle Joe, Laura, and twin boys Mike and Jack, Brett and Jenny, Zach and Ethan, Blake and Jaime, Maddie and Macie, and Audrey and me. That's seven kids ages 5 and under. Fun fun!

Saturday, Michael's sister, Melissa surprised everyone when she, Matthew, and Meredith came into town. We had dinner and fun with the Halls, Burrows, and Averys! Emily still hasn't had her baby yet!
Sunday. Happy 36th Anniversary to my parents! WooHoo! Happy Birthday to my mother-in-law, Janie! We had Sunday lunch over at the Halls and waited to see if Emily would go into labor. Nope. We went home and I took my Sunday afternoon nap. While getting ready after my nap, we got this video of Audrey.
Monday, I went out to visit Zachary and Ethan again. Zach's birthday is soon, so I took him shopping! He is definitely Brett's kid. He wanted something from the dollar area at Target. I convinced him to look in the toy section for something better. He looked over everything and chose something on clearance! What a great kid to shop for!

On my way out of Rockwall, I get a call from Emily. She has seen her doctor again today, and she's at a 7/8. Are you kidding! You're still holding in this baby!!! She went home and would go back later Monday night to have the baby. Molly Christine came into the world weighing 7 lbs, 6 oz.