Monday, March 27, 2006
Cartoon Time

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
We're Not in Kansas Anymore

I've always feared tornados. I have had nightmares for years that deal with tornados. Sunday night, you know - when it was POURING down rain, I watched the Discovery channel's series on the perfect disasters. The one that dealt with tornados was of course set in Dallas. They called the show SUPER TORNADO and showed what would happen if an F5 (really it was bigger) hit Dallas. Wow. I wish they had shown how the city was going to be prepared, but no - there was no sense of comfort at the end of the show. Most tornados occur around 5:00, aka rush hour, due to the day's warmth. I'm thankful that I now live a few minutes from work. :)
Friday, March 17, 2006
The Dallas Stars
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I started my Spring Break on Friday by going out to eat with my fantastic husband, Tim and his fiance. That was really fun. We went to Cabrerra's and had some fantastic food. Michael and I split this trio of chicken....Soooooo good!
Saturday, Michael and I went to see his nephew, Andrew, play soccer. Andrew is five years old and most of his teammates are seven years old. You could see what a couple of years does for an athlete. That was a lot of fun as well.
Then, Saturday night, we went out to eat and then go bowling with some of Michael's co-workers. They are also engaged and they are from South Africa. Absolutely cool accents! They always sound polite. I'm sure us Texans just hurt their ears! I stink at bowling, but Michael did awesome. We found out that they hadn't been to church in a long time (while being in the States) and they didn't feel right, so they also visited us at church Sunday. They enjoyed it and may come back.
Monday, I tried to strip the paint off of some furniture. I also did a bunch of laundry. Michael's family had a family reunion of sorts at Luby's. I know my dad would have enjoyed that gathering. Tuesday, I tried to stain the furniture. I then decided it would be best to paint the furniture. So that's what I did. Wednesday, I put all of the furniture back, organized/decorated the book shelf in the bedroom, hung things on the walls and tried to put up curtains in the kitchen. Michael will have to do that since I've come across all sorts of problems. I also met Michael for lunch in Coppell. Today, I brought in my summer clothes into my closet and organized it into colors of shirts. Let's see how long that last. I have bleached about everything in the house. I have surface-washed the couch, spot-cleaned the carpet, vaccumed, swept, mopped, done more laundry, washed dishes, moved all of my china to a new location, and I need a shower! :) I can't believe how a house gets so dirty when you do your best to be tidy.
Tomorrow, I am going to the movies (Curious George) with Michael's sister, Emily, and her kids. I hope to see my parents too. I haven't asked them if they're available. Then I will be preparing for the end of Spring Break. I dread going back to school. I wish it were summer already!
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Poor Edgar!
I am soooooo hooked on the show 24. Monday nights on FOX at 8:00. Last night was a two hour special, which I was very okay with. I am never ready for the show to end after just an hour...it just leaves you hanging. So, if you are aware of the show, but missed the second episode last night because you didn't know they were doing a 2-hour special...here's the gist of it: The key card that was stolen from Lynn (Rudy!) was used to let a man carrying nerve gas into CTU. CTU didn't realize until the gas was being released. They sealed off rooms as quickly as possible, but Edgar did not make it! I CRIED!!
I love the relationship between Chloe and Edgar! Also, Kim was informed that Jack was still alive. I bet the man she is with now is also a terrorist and now he's locked in with all of CTU. I bet as well that Tony is going to kill the terrorist that is being questioned because he was sent to the clinic when the gas was released. When Tony finds out that he had a hand in killing Michelle, its over. Ah! This show is so wonderful and intense!!
Friday, March 03, 2006
1/2 of a Year!!!
1. He never says a negative thing about life, unless it is REALLY bad.
2. I have never seen another male care for his family so much.
3. He works so hard. He's an honest worker and does it correctly and completely.
4. He is able to look at the big picture and let the little things slide right on by.
5. He begins most of his days by asking God to remind him of the opportunities our jobs bring us as Christians.
6. He has the capacity to love so deeply. I am at awe by how he loves me.
Thanks, babe, for a wonderful 6 months!