Monday, September 18, 2006

My Weekend

FRIDAY- Michael and I went over to the Burns' house (Tiffany and Eddie) and had a game night. So fun! It is always a good time to hang out with those that we were all friends with when we were all single. None of us really go to the same church anymore, so we don't see each other that often. Michael and I are the old married couple with these people - which is weird.

SATURDAY- Moving Day! Yippee. We traveled to Abilene to move Michael's parents to Dallas. The Lord finally allowed their house to sell after they have been living here for over a year. So we packed up most of their stuff and didn't need any convincing to go to bed that night.

SUNDAY- We woke up and hit the road to come back to Dallas. We were able to unpack everything into a storage unit before the bottom fell out. We were literally going back to our cars when the rain hit. We took a Sunday afternoon nap and got up to go to Life Group. Very cool conversation about living life and anticipating Jesus' return. The good conversation continued over dessert with Tim and Stephanie Avance.

INTO THE WEEK: Monday was picture day! All of the students got their picture taken during their Science class. That means I was a babysitter each period today. The kids were surpisingly well-behaved! Then Michael and I took my parents out for their birthdays (belated and early). Good times and good food!

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