Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sarah and an Update

I haven't written about pregnant Bible women in a while. I have a lot of things floating around in my head, but I hardly get the time to write about those things.
Recently, in Bible class, we discussed Abraham and Sarah. So God has promised Abraham a nation even though Abraham and Sarah are aging. Sarah already considers herself barren. That in itself is a hardship for her. It seems that people were once so cruel when a woman failed to become a mother. Do you remember the post about how Hannah was ridiculed? Awful, just awful. But Sarah has faith and believes that she will conceive. Years pass and Sarah is still not pregnant. She tries to figure out what God is really saying and convinces herself that maybe the nation will only be through Abraham and that he better become "better friends" with Hagar. Abraham (age 86!) and Hagar have a son named Ishmeal. I can't imagine what it felt like to make that decision. She was acting on faith, believing what God had told Abraham. She just wanted to be sure she was out of the way and allow this promise to happen. Turns out she was wrong - that had to feel pretty bad.
Then, God tells Abraham that Sarah will have a baby in a year. Sarah laughs. Wouldn't you? She has gone through her child-bearing years without ever becoming pregnant and now that she's about 90 years old, she becomes pregnant!?!
If you have been pregnant before, you know the strange things that occur to your body. Can you imagine that body being 90 years old and going through that? There are some really funny things I would love to write here, but it would be WAY TOO MUCH for a public forum.
Sarah has a boy that she names Isaac and the song "Father Abraham" comes to mind. This was how it all started.
I admire her faith, her selflessness, and her ability to carry a baby at such an old age. Way to go Sarah!

*Michael has been in San Diego all week and comes home tonight!!! I miss him so very much!
*School is still stressful.
*I gained 11 pounds at my last appointment. That makes 26 pounds in two months. Oops.
*I'm slightly anemic due to the pregnancy.
*There are 4 teachers at school who are pregnant and we're all having girls. Another teacher is naming her girl Audrey as well.
*I have to get a shot because I have a negative blood type.
*I did pass my glucose test though!!
*My husband and brother get to work together for a finance class at church. I don't think Michael knows Brett very well, so this will be good for them. Oh, and they love to talk finance anyways, so they are super excited. (At least Michael is, but I'm pretty sure Brett is too.)
*Michael is almost finished laying the thresholds for our new wood floors. We're even okay having company over now! He did a great job and the floors look really good.
*I just came back from a coworker's baby shower. They will induce her next Friday. She's a short girl, but she is HUGE! The size of her once teeny-tiny belly scares me.
*I think I have laughing gas in my pregnancy hormones. Everything seems funny and I can't help but laugh really hard...and snort too. (BTW, I snort when I laugh for those of you that don't know me well.)
*I'm thrilled that tomorrow is Friday and my husband will be home!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

i have the negative blood type also and the shot is a pain in the butt, literally.

Miranda said...

I'm sorry school is so stressful for you! At least there is an end in sight, though.

Anonymous said...

Brooke, I enjoy your blog and I'm so excited for you guys to become parents! Don't worry about the weight gain. I gained 50 lbs. before I stopped counting. I lost it all in about 4 months afterwards, so don't worry too much about it. That's one of the perks that comes with being tall!

Shannon said...

I'm sure the 26 pounds is ALL belly! Enjoy it while you can:) I have my glucose test next Friday...yuck! Doesn't your brother live in San Antonio? Just wondering how he and Michael are working together at your church. Sorry you have to have the Rhogam shot! And, last but not least, I miss your snort!!!

Catherine said...

Who new that Brooke Perkins could actually laugh and snort more than she already always has... I love you girl and miss you so much!! I still am in shock that you are preggers... we just aren't old enough to be having babies! :)

Brooke said...

Shannon,you are right, Brett does live in SA. He's flying to Dallas just to do these classes. I really enjoy being with Michael's sisters and I want him to have as much fun with my brothers as I do with his sisters!

Catherine, remember I am older than you. Like, by two years right? Just over two years ago, I was a single gal having fun - just like you! It can happen quickly!

Lori said...

Hey girlie, finally got my computer up and running, with only a few probs. I had to have that shot too. That is crazy!! Hey I will be in town next Thurs. until Mon. I know you are working weekends, but i thought I would at least ask what you had going on Sat. night. Kinda late notice so it's ok if you are busy, just thought i would throw it out there. I want to see your belly!! ha

Amber said...

Hey! It has been a long time! I am so excited for you! Luke is now 3 weeks old and he was worth every bit of it. You are going to be a great mom. God bless, Amber(Richter) Weed.