Friday, June 13, 2008

I've Got This Problem

My child has crazy hair. It naturally does a mohawk. That might be cute on a baby boy, but not my baby girl. The picture to the right does not do justice for what is actually there. I took this picture right after she took her morning nap. I decided that I'd better change her diaper and put her in her clothes for the day before I start taking pictures. It is like putting a diaper and onesie on a monkey (hmmm, another monkey reference...). So, after all of the wrestling, her hair started sticking up around that big center curl that flows back and down her head. The second picture shows just how crazy that hair in the center is. Just one curl following another, heading towards her back. Then she has straight, flat hair that totally doesn't match up with what's going on at the top. There is one curl that isn't located at the top and it's on her left side, behind her ear. You can see it in that second picture. She'll be turning 6 months soon, and I am wanting to get some 6 months pictures taken. Any ideas what I should do with her hair? I have been putting gel on her hair, but now that her hair is longer, it just looks wet and crunchy. I also hope that I can get a picture of her
smiling. That last picture is the only I got of her smiling, and she looked down! Michael is off next week, so maybe I should do it then. She just lights up when he comes home from work. I do too. He's our favorite and we can't wait to celebrate Father's Day!


Lynn Leaming said...

I really don't know much about little girls hair, but would mousse help? Then it would dry different than gel. Regardless she is a cutie patootie!

Kaitlin said...

Well every Sunday morning you manage to make it look so cute! I would have never known it's such an issue. I do love her hair though. Maybe you should ask the Heflins about curly hair??

Carole said...

I think it would help to shape it. It wouldn't necessarily make it shorter in length, just make it blend together and be more even. Sasa did wonders for the twins' hair when they were babies.
Good thing she's so cute that crazy hair doesn't matter, lol!