Thursday, March 24, 2011

Embrace the Camera 3.24.11

Happy Thursday, y'all! I don't know why, but I really like Thursdays. I guess I can just feel the weekend coming and that means we're about to see my husband a bit more and that's always good for the soul.

I've got internet access FINALLY. I haven't had it for awhile due to a broken tower of some sort. I got it back just in time to ramp up my celebration of my baby turning one year old next Thursday. Currently, we're dealing with allergies, especially poor Audrey. Her eyes tend to turn red and swell (and even blister) when the pollen is bad. So, we won't be taking pictures today. Instead, I will look back at when Julia was born and show you the first picture of us girls together. I cherish it!


Mary Frances S. said...

Such sweet girls! I look forward to pictures with my new sweet girl!

Unknown said...

What a sweet picture! We have a Julia too :)

Jamie Kubeczka said...

YaY for hubby time! My allergies are suffering a bit too and it stinks!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! I love Thursdays too!

Jami said...

What an amazing picture and a great memory.

Carole said...

What a fun day that was!