Thursday, January 20, 2011

Embrace the Camera - 1.20.11

I can't believe I have only blogged once this week and I've been stuck at home! I've been pretty busy in this house I guess. I just can't get these two girls well. I'm calling the doctor it seems like everyday for one or the other. I'm pretty sure I'll be headed to the doctor tomorrow for an ear infection that Audrey has. I've also been cleaning since the 3 year old had total control of the house while Michael, Julia, and I were sick last week.

Today we were just hanging out in Audrey's room. Correction: Julia was hanging out, Audrey was jumping on the bed, and I was cleaning. Yes, I let Audrey jump on the bed. She just now hit the 30 pound mark. Maybe I should rethink the jumping now that she's a whopping 30 pounds. Anyways, are there any other 30 somethings out there that are feeling like teenager every morning when you look in the mirror?! I dislike the idea of putting acne cream and wrinkle cream on together. Does this mean I'm middle-aged? AND I really need to start pulling out my nice camera for these instead of always using my phone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe Audrey is 30 lbs!! Or maybe I can... just reconfirms that Savannah is on the petite side! I think she weighs about 27 now or about 4 lbs more than Marshall! LOL. He's going to catch up with her before too long!